Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Movie Basket and next meeting info

At our next meeting, we will be collecting donations for a movie basket to donated to the Local Pan-hellenic Fundraiser.

Our next meeting will also be elections and installation of our officers for the 2008-2010 term. The officers are slated as follows:
Co-Presidents: Corinne and Joanne
VP Ways and Means: Vicki
Treasurer: Sue
Secretary: Rebecca
Pan-hellenic Reps: Sally and Shirley

Monday, March 24, 2008


Welcome to the new blog for Lake County IL AOII Alumnae Chapter!

We have had a web site for a while, but have had trouble keeping it up dated. A blog offers faster, easier ways to update the information, post pictures, and basically keep everyone informed!

Feel free to post a response or a question at any time, when you post it will automatically send the message to our e-mail address and someone will respond as soon as they can.